Adult Children of Narcissistic or Emotionally Immature Parents & Caregivers


Does it feel like you are walking on eggshells with a parent, parent in-law, grandparent, or other caregiver? Does it feel like you are never good enough to them and feel like their feelings somehow matter more than yours? Do you feel like your needs are constantly second or put down? Maybe growing up, you had to know everyone’s needs before they did, and emotionally planned out to enter a space with family members.

Therapists can’t diagnose anyone that is not in the therapy room, but we absolutely understand that family dynamics can be tough. Dynamics in a household growing up with a parent or caregiver with narcissistic tendencies can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, low self esteem, self-defeating thoughts, putting yourself last, caretaking others all the time, poor boundaries, and more.

We will work together on setting boundaries, decreasing anxiety (especially when you have to talk to or see that person), and working on healthier narrative of yourself authored by YOU.

You. Are. Enough.